Unique things to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Unique things to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Lyon Highlights & Secrets Tour
You will plunge into the exciting stories that Lyon hides. Stories, anecdotes and legends that create unforgettable memories - as do its outstanding museums, dynamic cultural life, its past as a France's foremost publishing center, capital of the Three Gauls and "capitale de la Résistance française" and all the facts that have turned Lyon into France's gastronomical capital. The visit is with a small group and just in one language. During the 3 hours we will spend together you will linger in the major monuments but also discover the most awe-inspiring hidden secret places. The world is a book and those who do not travel and discover read only one page. *Don't hesitate to contact us if you want us to host the experience at a different time, if the experience is already fully-booked or if you want us to organise a personalised and private experience in English, French or Spanish.
Paragliding Annecy my playground parapente
We meet at the Doussard landing 30 MINUTES BEFORE FOR CHECK IN ( don't be late), you will be taken care of by a team of professionals, all state certified. Direction the Col de la Forclaz with its breathtaking view of the entire lake. We will fly in a majestic setting above the lake and the Annecy terrain, initiation to piloting and for the more intrepid a few aerobatic figures to then land gently, an essential activity in the region, good flight. *** IMPORTANT SAFETY RULES *** Paragliding is an activity in the great outdoors, dependent on climatic and meteorological conditions: DESCRIPTION OF FLIGHTS: - Discovery flight - practiced in the mornings - exclusively reserved for people weighing between 20 and 65 kg (rules cannot be circumvented). This flight lasts 12 to 15 minutes. (100 euros) - Ascension flight - practiced in the afternoons - intended for people weighing 50 to 85 kilos. The duration of this flight is between 20 and 25 minutes which depends on the breeze conditions. (120 euros) - Prestige flight - practiced on an afternoon slot where the breezes are the most generous and allow you to fly higher and further. Flight time between 35 and 40 minutes.50 to 90 k (150 euros) two slots only, 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Consult me - tandem qualification for disabled person. PHOTO AND VIDEO OPTION not included in flight fares. contact us for more details
Fly over Chamonix with a paraglider!
FROM 5YO TO 99YO! We can fly together and enjoy the majesty of the mountains and glaciers! From 5yo to 99+yo. The flight duration is around 20mn. We will go and fly together from the Planpraz or Plan de l'Aiguille station. I will explain you everything about the mountains and how to fly in Chamonix. If you want, you can pilot the wing over the valley, and learn the basic of flying. For more adventurous people, we can do accrobatics and have a big adrenaline rush! Under a paraglider there is no fear of height (yes that is true! It is like looking through the window of a plane). No skills are required except running a few steps at the take off. And the landing in the center of Chamonix is very smooth. You can add the option for photos and videos of the flight if you want to keep a great souvenir. Other things to note Please be there 15mn before the timing we define. In case you already have a lift pass, please let me know! The experience is accessible to wheelchair users. We have special gears to make the flight available. Please contact me if you would like to do it, so we can organize your dream :) Great for groups, great for families and great for teams and team-building !
The most beautiful viewpoints of Lake Annecy
I will give you a topo on the hike. Then we will start hiking with breaks of course to appreciate the landscape, the surrounding mountains .... Once at the top, you will have time to rest, picnic, enjoy the view, the sunset if the hike is done at the end of the day, before starting the descent. We will make loops as much as possible so as not to repeat the same route and thus enjoy other landscapes. I will adapt without problem so that you have a good time! Other things to note You will need a pair of hiking shoes. Sneakers may even suffice depending on the hike chosen. Possibly trekking poles if you feel better with it. You will need water and possibly a picnic if you wish. I can also do it
Dark tales of Lyon
Lyon, contrary to what many think, isn't just made of lights...Come and get lost in the dark legends which gave the city its devilish reputation. We’ll start out tour in the Saint George district, shuned even by tourists, where we’ll search for evil spirits. Then, we’ll cross the Saône River to get to the magnificent Celestins Theatre to listen to the story of a particular guest… We will go back to the Vieux-Lyon district to admire the Saint Jean Cathedral which hides secrets mostly unheared of. We will continue through the Rue du Boeuf, the most Michelin-starred of France, to uncover pagan rituals, and we will keep thrilling with stories of enigmatic water-diviners and beings from other worlds. Last but not leat, we’ll finish our tour on Terreaux Square, before the Palais des Beaux-Arts, rocked by the spectral voices of the dark nuns who gave the building a most sulphurous fame. NOTE: The tour is also suitable for children, the storytelling can be adapted to any type of audience. However, it is the parents' liability to judge of the sensibility of their children. Remember that we'll be talking about dark and evil stories. WARNING!! The tour is offered in French. Please write in a message that you want the tour to be conducted in English, and I will manage to do so. Regarding the current Covid-19 restrictions and the curfew, the tour cannot be conducted at night. Avoir high heels due to cobblestones.

All activities near Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

No Diet Club - Our best food tour in Lyon
All food is included :) We have finally arrived in Lyon ! The Capital of French gastronomy. After Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Nice, we found ourselves obligated to hunt for our favorite addresses in this city! We knew that the food level would be insane and it surely didn’t disappoint. As per usual, we have surrounded ourselves with locals who know their city like the back of their hand in order to present to you the best addresses in town while remaining as far as possible from the downtown tourist traps. In the program ? Specialties from Lyon and many more such as praluline, charcuterie board with regional cheeses, an exceptional burger, hazelnut pillows et many more surprises :) (The tastings may vary) (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) ▶ What we do offer ✔ - Many tastings to share - Local specialties but not just that - A beautiful stroll through our favorite Lyon neighborhoods - Fun - Crappy jokes - Smiles - A list of recommendations in Lyon - New friends from all over the WORLD
Lyon Highlights & Secrets Tour
You will plunge into the exciting stories that Lyon hides. Stories, anecdotes and legends that create unforgettable memories - as do its outstanding museums, dynamic cultural life, its past as a France's foremost publishing center, capital of the Three Gauls and "capitale de la Résistance française" and all the facts that have turned Lyon into France's gastronomical capital. The visit is with a small group and just in one language. During the 3 hours we will spend together you will linger in the major monuments but also discover the most awe-inspiring hidden secret places. The world is a book and those who do not travel and discover read only one page. *Don't hesitate to contact us if you want us to host the experience at a different time, if the experience is already fully-booked or if you want us to organise a personalised and private experience in English, French or Spanish.
Randonnées à cheval sur Cruseilles
Venez découvrir les sentiers perdus des bains de la caille ancien site historique recevant jadis les voyageurs de la france entière pour les bienfaits thérapeutique des sources thermales ... Au programme des paysages inoubliables et des sensations incroyables sur des chevaux adorables.
Paragliding Annecy my playground parapente
We meet at the Doussard landing 30 MINUTES BEFORE FOR CHECK IN ( don't be late), you will be taken care of by a team of professionals, all state certified. Direction the Col de la Forclaz with its breathtaking view of the entire lake. We will fly in a majestic setting above the lake and the Annecy terrain, initiation to piloting and for the more intrepid a few aerobatic figures to then land gently, an essential activity in the region, good flight. *** IMPORTANT SAFETY RULES *** Paragliding is an activity in the great outdoors, dependent on climatic and meteorological conditions: DESCRIPTION OF FLIGHTS: - Discovery flight - practiced in the mornings - exclusively reserved for people weighing between 20 and 65 kg (rules cannot be circumvented). This flight lasts 12 to 15 minutes. (100 euros) - Ascension flight - practiced in the afternoons - intended for people weighing 50 to 85 kilos. The duration of this flight is between 20 and 25 minutes which depends on the breeze conditions. (120 euros) - Prestige flight - practiced on an afternoon slot where the breezes are the most generous and allow you to fly higher and further. Flight time between 35 and 40 minutes.50 to 90 k (150 euros) two slots only, 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Consult me - tandem qualification for disabled person. PHOTO AND VIDEO OPTION not included in flight fares. contact us for more details
La vie des Marmottes dans le Mercantour
Les marmottes sont des animaux emblématiques des montagnes, pourtant leurs mœurs sont souvent méconnues. Guide naturaliste, partez avec moi observer et découvrir la vie de ces sympathiques animaux et mieux les connaître : ont-elles toujours hiberné ? C'est quoi, exactement, l'hibernation ? Comment vivent-elles en été et survivent-elles en hiver ? De quoi se nourrissent-elles ? Peut-on chasser la marmotte ? Quels sont leurs prédateurs ? voilà quelques-unes des questions que nous aborderons. Vous verrez qu'avec un peu de patience et de calme, ce sont des animaux qui se laissent approcher ! Je profiterai de cette balade pour vous parler des autres grands animaux qui peuplent les Alpes et le Mercantour (chamois, bouquetins, mouflons, aigles, vautours...) et, bien sûr, je m'efforcerai de répondre à vos questions sur le fascinant monde sauvage dans cet écrin de nature qu'est le Mercantour ! Autres remarques Prenez un équipement adéquat pour randonner, bonnes chaussures, de quoi boire et manger, vous protéger du froid, du soleil ou de la pluie. Vérifiez bien le temps de route entre votre lieu de résidence et Allos : nous sommes en montagne, tenez compte du temps de trajet. ATTENTION : Cet été, le Col d'Allos reste fermé : vérifier votre temps de trajet avec votre GPS si vous venez du Nord (passer par Digne) !
Pause introspective et relaxante au bord de l'eau
Pause introspective et relaxante au bord de l'eau de 1h30 Envie d'une bulle de douceur pour te recentrer ? Dans l'agitation du quotidien, il est si facile de perdre de vue nos désirs profonds, qui l'on est, nos aspirations. Je t'invite à vivre une pause au contact de la nature pour te reconnecter à ton TOI véritable, débarrassé.e du superflu et du tumulte de ton mental et de ton environnement. Au son de la rivière et des cigales, pars à ta (re)découverte grâce à des questions d'introspection ciblées. L'objectif ? Apprendre à mieux te connaître, faire le point sur ta vie et tes aspirations pour la suite, envisager de nouvelles possibilités pour vivre une vie plus en adéquation avec tes envies. Avec le soutien de la nature et guidé.e vers un état de relaxation profond, tu seras à même d'explorer ton être intérieur et faire de belles découvertes ! Vis pleinement un moment unique pour revenir à l’essentiel dans nos superbes coins d’Ardèche. Sont inclus : l'expérience introspective et relaxante en bord de rivière, une collation avec boisson, le guide "Les 6 clés pour cultiver une sérénité profonde au quotidien".
Mont Blanc Nature Walk & mini-photoshoot
This is a time of RENAISSANCE. A time to regenerate using VORTEX energy of the Mont Blanc. At this moment, we yearn for a sense of renewal and stimulation and a need to define new resolutions to better our life and health. Let's start here on this unique AWARENESS walk which takes us into one of Chamonix's most protected natural landscapes ; a place far from the noise of the valley, bathed in light where rare plants and wildlife have found refuge. A place where you feel as if you can touch Mont Blanc. It is in this stress-free environnement, face to face with the Mont Blanc glaciers, that we can experience the inner calm to surpass our COVID stress. You may feel empowered by this force or incredibly relaxed. How you experience this immersion in nature is entirely subjective. It's a chance to reconnect with your senses while the majestic Mont Blanc range provides the backdrop. We'll walk amongst traditional 18th century alpine chalets where people continue to maintain a pastoral life-style. My stories about Chamonix's history, mountain climbers, crystal hunters, glaciers, wild goats - and wolves - will help paint the picture of this unique valley. During this RENAISSANCE walk, I offer a MINI-PHOTOSHOOT where I will photograph or film you in the scenery with your own smartphone so that you will be able to share this experience with friends and loved ones.
Fly over Chamonix with a paraglider!
FROM 5YO TO 99YO! We can fly together and enjoy the majesty of the mountains and glaciers! From 5yo to 99+yo. The flight duration is around 20mn. We will go and fly together from the Planpraz or Plan de l'Aiguille station. I will explain you everything about the mountains and how to fly in Chamonix. If you want, you can pilot the wing over the valley, and learn the basic of flying. For more adventurous people, we can do accrobatics and have a big adrenaline rush! Under a paraglider there is no fear of height (yes that is true! It is like looking through the window of a plane). No skills are required except running a few steps at the take off. And the landing in the center of Chamonix is very smooth. You can add the option for photos and videos of the flight if you want to keep a great souvenir. Other things to note Please be there 15mn before the timing we define. In case you already have a lift pass, please let me know! The experience is accessible to wheelchair users. We have special gears to make the flight available. Please contact me if you would like to do it, so we can organize your dream :) Great for groups, great for families and great for teams and team-building !
The most beautiful viewpoints of Lake Annecy
I will give you a topo on the hike. Then we will start hiking with breaks of course to appreciate the landscape, the surrounding mountains .... Once at the top, you will have time to rest, picnic, enjoy the view, the sunset if the hike is done at the end of the day, before starting the descent. We will make loops as much as possible so as not to repeat the same route and thus enjoy other landscapes. I will adapt without problem so that you have a good time! Other things to note You will need a pair of hiking shoes. Sneakers may even suffice depending on the hike chosen. Possibly trekking poles if you feel better with it. You will need water and possibly a picnic if you wish. I can also do it
Full Meal Five Stops in Old Lyon
ALL FOOD IS INCLUDED! At least 5 food stops (food choice depending on season and availability): - The best Food in Lyon - The original quenelle - The famous Cotes du Rhône wine - Great cheese and dry sausages - Traditional French sweets - Delicious liquor - One glass of wine and water What this tour IS about: - Great Food - Great company with a local - Curiosities and anecdotes - Nice walk in the Old Lyon area - Fun and smiles - New friends from all around the world What this tour is NOT about: - An historical tour - Boring long speeches PLEASE NOTICE THAT THE TOUR WILL BE HELD IN FRENCH/ENGLISH. CONTACT US FOR OTHER LANGUAGES CONTACT US FOR PRIVATE EXPERIENCE Typical dishes, served in different restaurants, will present you the local food culture! You will have the opportunity to taste some food delights from our beautiful citiy, finding out secret places that tour guides don’t even mention. They will give you an outstanding and unique culinary experience!
Traditionnal French dinner at home
Hello, everybody! My experience will be about sharing a moment. What I would love to do is to invite you for a traditional French dinner. The same that I would do with my family or my friends. Eating in France is more than just food, it is a highly social event of joy and sharing. It takes a little time because it is required to chat for a little between each dish^^. Those moments will be great to share experiences about food, traditions, experiences, travels and more. I also love talking about my country, it's culture and history so I will be more than happy to share about that with you. First, we will have "apéro", which is just talking with a drink and some finger food but there is no proper dinner in France without the apero ahaha. After that we will get a little more serious with the entrée, the main dish and dessert. Of course all of that will be accompanied with French wine. Most dishes I will cook, I learned from my mother, so you can be sure it will be hearty and traditionnal . I will do my best to make you feel at home, and maybe for a moment, like you have been living here forever.
Dark tales of Lyon
Lyon, contrary to what many think, isn't just made of lights...Come and get lost in the dark legends which gave the city its devilish reputation. We’ll start out tour in the Saint George district, shuned even by tourists, where we’ll search for evil spirits. Then, we’ll cross the Saône River to get to the magnificent Celestins Theatre to listen to the story of a particular guest… We will go back to the Vieux-Lyon district to admire the Saint Jean Cathedral which hides secrets mostly unheared of. We will continue through the Rue du Boeuf, the most Michelin-starred of France, to uncover pagan rituals, and we will keep thrilling with stories of enigmatic water-diviners and beings from other worlds. Last but not leat, we’ll finish our tour on Terreaux Square, before the Palais des Beaux-Arts, rocked by the spectral voices of the dark nuns who gave the building a most sulphurous fame. NOTE: The tour is also suitable for children, the storytelling can be adapted to any type of audience. However, it is the parents' liability to judge of the sensibility of their children. Remember that we'll be talking about dark and evil stories. WARNING!! The tour is offered in French. Please write in a message that you want the tour to be conducted in English, and I will manage to do so. Regarding the current Covid-19 restrictions and the curfew, the tour cannot be conducted at night. Avoir high heels due to cobblestones.
Découverte d'un domaine viticole alpin
Nous vous accueillons au domaine de l'Idylle, se trouvant aux portes de Chambéry à Cruet, pour une visite de cave immersive. Un petit tour dans les vignes entourées de montagnes vous permettra déjà de comprendre l'histoire du domaine et sa façon de conduire ses vignes. La suite de la visite vous conduira dans nos chais où nous vous expliquerons les différentes étapes de vinification et d'élevage. Ensuite, vous découvrirez nos cépages locaux (Jacquère, Altesse, Persan, Mondeuse) et bien d'autres, grâce à une dégustation de notre gamme variée. Vous pourrez déguster jusqu'à 6 vins accompagné du maitre de chai ou du vigneron qui pourront vous guider tout au long de votre dégustation. Les horaires peuvent variés. N'hésitez pas à envoyer un message sur Airbnb ou de téléphoner pour avoir plus d'information. Pour les visites le samedi, il est préférable de téléphoner ou envoyer un message avant de réserver.
Vol en parapente au-dessus du lac d'Annecy
Venez découvrir le baptême en parapente au dessus du lac d’Annecy! ATTENTION: Le vol dure entre 10 et 15 min et il faudra compter 1 heure pour l'ensemble de la prestation. Un baptême de parapente (vol en biplace) est accessible à tous, petits et grands. Ce n’est qu’une question d’envie ! Nous décollons du Col de la Forclaz pendant la période estivale d’avril à octobre pour un vol magique, dans un paysage unique, entre lac et montagne. Choisissez votre vol en fonction de vos envies: un baptême en parapente, un vol sur les hauteurs, un vol avec des sensations fortes ou un vol itinérant entre massifs des Bornes et Aravis.
Lyon Food Tour - Go for an afternoon Old Town foodie walk
Meet and talk with local artisans as you sample their cuisine on this afternoon food tour that offers access to people and places only locals know. Go to discover the Old Town (Vieux Lyon), the second UNESCO Area in the world after Venice between murals paintings, traboules and must-see places to accompanied by the rhythm of the unusual anecdotes of your passionate local guide. During the tour, you will meet local craftsmens passionate about their profession. They will share their history, business, knowledge and obviously their delicious products they will make you taste. A 3 hours visit with 4 tasting breaks which will discover you Lyon to the plate. The perfect way to combine cultural discovery and greediness in order to lauch perfectly your evening :) Other things to note A good mix between tasting and visit. Explore this district through a gourmet way lead by a local and passionate guide